American Heritage Dictionary
Paganini, Nicolo: (1782-1840) Italian violinist and composer whose works include six violin concertos and many other virtuoso violin pieces.
帕格尼尼,尼科罗:(1782-1840) 意大利小提琴家和作曲家,他的作品包括六部小提琴协奏曲和许多其它艺术鉴赏小提琴片段。
Paganini, Niccolò 帕格尼尼,尼科罗
Britannica Student Article
(1782–1840). Stupendous technique and revolutionary ideas for playing stringed instruments made Niccolò Paganini a legend in his own time. The Italian violinist and composer was a flamboyant showman.
用惊人的技术和革命性的观念演奏弦乐器使得 Niccolò Paganini 成为他那个时代的传奇人物。这位意大利小提琴手和作曲家是个才华横溢的炫技者。
Born in Genoa on Oct. 27, 1782, Paganini learned to play the mandolin from his father. Later he studied with many of the finest European teachers of his day. He began to perform in public at an early age and composed his first violin sonata in 1790. From 1805 until 1808 he was the court solo violinist at Lucca, appointed by Napoleon's sister Élisa Baciocchi. Performances in Vienna, Paris, and London from 1828 to 1831 were hailed widely, and his tour the following year through England and Scotland made Paganini wealthy.
1782年11月27日出生于热那亚(意大利西北部的洲及其首府)的 Paganini 从他的父亲那里学习演奏曼陀林(一种琵琶乐器)。随后,他师从于多位当时欧洲最优秀的老师。年幼便开始在公共场合演出,并于1790年完成了他的首支小提琴奏鸣曲。从1805年到1808年间他被拿破仑的妹妹 Élisa Baciocchi 任命,在 Lucca 担任宫廷的独奏小提琴手。1828年至1831年他在维也纳、巴黎和伦敦之间的演出也广受欢迎,随后的数年中,在英格兰和苏格兰之间的巡演使得 Paganini 富有起来。
Paganini wrote 24 caprices for unaccompanied violin that are among the most difficult works ever written for the instrument. He also challenged musicians with such compositions as his 12 sonatas for violin and guitar; six violin concerti; and six quartets for violin, viola, cello, and guitar.
Paganini 写就的24首无伴奏小提琴狂想曲中包含着非常高难度的技巧,这在为乐器而创作的作品中是前所未有的。他还用如下的这些作品挑战着作曲家们,12首小提琴及吉他奏鸣曲;6首小提琴协奏曲和6首为小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和吉他所作的四重奏。
In performance Paganini enjoyed playing tricks, like tuning one of his strings a semitone high, or playing the majority of a piece on one string after breaking the other three. He astounded audiences with techniques that included harmonics, double-stops, pizzicato with the left as well as the right hand, and near-impossible fingerings and bowings.
在演奏中 Paganini 喜欢运用一些特殊的技巧,例如将他的琴弦调高半个音程,或是弄断了其余三根后,在一根琴弦上演奏大部分的篇章。他还运用左右手同样熟练的和音、双音、拨弦以及包括那些几乎是不可能的指法与弓法在内的各种技巧使听众们瞠目结舌。
Known as a gambler who found himself indebted too frequently, Paganini unsuccessfully attempted to open a gambling casino in Paris in 1838. Later he moved to Marseilles and then to Nice, where he died on May 27, 1840.
1838年在巴黎,被当作是一个发现自己经常欠账的赌徒,Paganini 计划开设一家赌场的努力落空了。随后他移居马赛(法国东南部港市),最终又来到尼斯(法国港市),并于1840年5月27日在此去世。
Main Works
24 caprices for unaccompanied violin
Violion Concerto No.1
Violion Concerto No.2
Violion Concerto No.3
Violion Concerto No.4
Violion Concerto No.5
Violion Concerto No.6
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